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picture1_Forest Pdf 159440 | Lesson 4 History Forest Society And Colonialism

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File: Forest Pdf 159440 | Lesson 4 History Forest Society And Colonialism
social science grade ix lesson 4 forest society and colonialism solved question bank objective type questions 1 blandongdiensten system in java was followed by a british b tanzania c zambia ...

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...Social science grade ix lesson forest society and colonialism solved question bank objective type questions blandongdiensten system in java was followed by a british b tanzania c zambia d paris which of the following refers to shifting cultivation under parts forests are cut burnt rotation seasonal farmers shift from one place another cultivate different crops where harvested only autumn according amendment act protected village referred entry prohibited department wild animals were state villagers could collect firewood fodder leaves etc for their use across india mizoram kerala many thrived because government restricted cutting trees villages as sacred groves local resident resisted with dangerous survived no dared enter these created pinkz who among well known skilled cutters maasais africa kalangas gonds orissa mundas chhotanagpur communities is wrongly matched living santhals jharkhand chhattisgarh korava madras presidency oraon wooden planks laid railway tracks hold position call...

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