File: Forest Resources Pdf 159410 | Mtp Public Forest Management Plan Fmp E
forest management plan forest management plan 2019 2029 public document mekong timber plantations co ltd 1 p a g e this document is uncontrolled when printed or accessed outside the ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Forest management plan public document mekong timber plantations co ltd p a g e this is uncontrolled when printed or accessed outside the mtp sharepoint portal contents introduction sustainable policy statement and objectives general information harvesting plantation development research environment social wildlife high conservation value forests risk stakeholders financial resources implementation monitoring abbreviations afi acacia industries sdn bhd esia environmental impact assessments emp eprp emergency preparedness response esmmp evms event system peopletray fmp fsc stewardship council gis geographic hcv values hcvf ifc international finance corporation ilo labour organisation jv joint venture agreement maf ministry of agriculture forestry mas marker assisted selection laos ogs out grower scheme lpfl oji r d rte rare threatened endangered species sop standard operating procedure sph stems per hectare taff new tropical asia fund framework committed to meeting best practices for re...