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picture1_Matrix Pdf 159211 | Adf Bd If 2006 80 En Mozambique Pcr Forestry And Wildlife Resources Management Projecpdf

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File: Matrix Pdf 159211 | Adf Bd If 2006 80 En Mozambique Pcr Forestry And Wildlife Resources Management Projecpdf
african development fund republic of mozambique forestry and wildlife resources management project project completion report agriculture and rural development department north east and south onar april 2006 table of contents ...

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...African development fund republic of mozambique forestry and wildlife resources management project completion report agriculture rural department north east south onar april table contents page n list abbreviations acronyms basic data sheet logical framework matrix executive summary i viii introduction objectives formulation appraisal negotiations approval description execution effectiveness start up modifications implementation schedule reporting procurement sources finance disbursement performance results overall assessment operating organisational consultants suppliers contractors fulfilment conditions covenants economic social environmental impact sustainability the bank borrower rating conclusion lessons learnt recommendations conclusions tables vs actual items in financing final revised cost estimates by categories expenditure adf loan annexes pages annex map information detailed status achievements outcome follow yearly government contribution was prepared two mr e mpande agricu...

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