File: Winrock Biocarbon Fund Sourcebook Compressed
2005 sourcebook for land use land use change and forestry projects timothy pearson sarah walker and sandra brown with input from bernhard schlamadinger joanneum research igino emmer face foundation wolfram ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Sourcebook for land use change and forestry projects timothy pearson sarah walker sandra brown with input from bernhard schlamadinger joanneum research igino emmer face foundation wolfram kagi bss ian noble benoit bosquet lasse ringius world bank i s o u r c e b ok contents purpose scope introduction to the kyoto protocol clean development mechanism project cycle biocarbon fund concepts of additionality baseline leakage permanence specific considerations currently acceptable lulucf eligibility lands december rule definitions forest tool tests choice crediting submission new afforesation reforestation methodology developing a measurement plan accuracy precision being conservative define boundaries stratify area decide which carbon pools measure determine type number location plots frequency field measurements preparation fieldwork trees palms lianas non tree vegetation...