assessment of wildlife populations forest and forest resource use on talise island north sulawesi indonesia robert j lee and priciellia kussoy te 99 09 e crc uri crmp phone 62 ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Assessment of wildlife populations forest and resource use on talise island north sulawesi indonesia robert j lee priciellia kussoy te e crc uri crmp phone nrm secretariat jl madiun no fax jakarta mail cbn net id www indomarine or pesisir by funding for the preparation printing this document was provided coastal resources management project usaid bappenas natural program further details proyek publication can be found at crm edu printed in citation r p center university rhode narragansett usa pages credits maps audrie siahainenia asep sukmara layout kathy ciffo i table contents list tables figures ii acknowledgements iii executive summary overview iv introduction forests small ecology objectives tasks outputs methods results initial site visits survey trails vegetation census mammals birds reptiles community meetings discussion recommendations state status hunting land tenure stake sustainability practices alternative agricultural tourism monitoring study tours other sustainable income...