File: Forestry Book Pdf 159097 | Quotation Of Library
central library ouat bhubaneswar quotation for library books print e books foreign journals for 2017 18 the central library of orissa university of agriculture and technology bhubaneswar 751003 intending to ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Central library ouat bhubaneswar quotation for books print e foreign journals the of orissa university agriculture and technology intending to procure substantial quantity text reference including advances annual reviews relating subjects such as veterinary science agricultural engineering forestry biotechnology home general sciences following categories benefit teachers researchers extension workers different colleges departments located at invites quotations from bidders are submit two bids quote discount price below mentioned category publications per list journal attached herewith latest edition a indian b c printed in india d govt institutional only publishers distributors book sellers who have registered under goc eligible participate bid firms required furnish documents information sealed envelope sent by speed post within date time specified terms conditions support registration or approved organizations self attested copy pan issued favor supplier distributor seller s income t...