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picture1_Forest Pdf 159051 | Fsm 2820 Mineral Leases Permits And Licenses

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Forest Pdf 159051 | Fsm 2820 Mineral Leases Permits And Licenses

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Page of forest service manual washington title minerals and geology amendment no effective march posting notice amendments are numbered consecutively by calendar year post document name remove entire replace with this retain transmittal as the first last to was contents supersedes fsm e superseded new number pages digest b incorporates direction formerly contained in interim directive allowing authority for leases permits licenses be redelegated supervisors jack ward thomas chief wo chapter mineral administered department interior has major role issuing supervising operations on cooperates agencies ensure that management goals objectives achieved impacts upon surface resources mitigated maximum degree possible land affected is rehabilitated principal authorities which relate exploration development leasable act stat supplemented u s c lands leasing acquired president reorganization plan appendix geothermal steam federal coal mining control reclamation national materials policy research...

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