eighth forest europe ministerial conference 14 15 april 2021 bratislava the slovak republic the future we want the forests we need concept note 2 ministerial roundtable 2 sustainable forest management ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Eighth forest europe ministerial conference april bratislava the slovak republic future we want forests need concept note roundtable sustainable management our joint answer to vision of development thursday hrs i background are among world s most productive land based ecosystems and essential life on earth they provide multiple environmental economic social benefits society have a huge potential address current global challenges such as climate change biodiversity loss water scarcity degradation inequalities poverty unprecedented ecological socio crises faces has been compounded by covid pandemic can substantially contribute solving planetary crisis achieve that healthy resilient multifunctional not only today but also tomorrow holistic dynamic evolving is intended maintain enhance functions for present generations it principal tool balancing provision three dimensions in relationship between people centuries at situation rapidly growing societal demands globalized markets changing wit...