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picture1_Forest Pdf 158863 | 24315 61

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File: Forest Pdf 158863 | 24315 61
silviculture handbook chapter 61 big tree silviculture big tree silviculture bts currently is a silvicultural guideline identifying practices that can be applied to accomplish specified forest management goals and objectives ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Silviculture handbook chapter big tree bts currently is a silvicultural guideline identifying practices that can be applied to accomplish specified forest management goals and objectives in selected stands refers the cultivation of long lived large diameter trees either as entire even aged or reserve within smaller sized are retained until they approach senescence biological maturity provide variety benefits but also incur costs potential aesthetics visually unique old b diversity current future c reduce unobstructed line vision d break up clearcut look wildlife plant populations habitat biodiversity altered some desired species may more abundant protect areas special concern buffer adjacent e travel corridors f coarse woody debris g cover h den nest i food foraging hunting j display locations timber production produce sawtimber high quality for harvest water soil run off erosion maintain nutrient cycles miscellaneous cultural resources preserve landmarks such marker witness cluttered ...

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