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File: Forest Pdf 158822 | Article1381833917 Ghosal
journal of geography and regional planning vol 4 3 pp 159 168 march 2011 available online at http www academicjournals org jgrp issn 2070 1845 2011 academic journals full length ...

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...Journal of geography and regional planning vol pp march available online at http www academicjournals org jgrp issn academic journals full length research paper importance non timber forest products in native household economy somnath ghosal centre for studies social sciences calcutta india e mail ghosalindia gmail com tel fax accepted february ntfps have an important role the fringe dwellers living dry deciduous forests purulia bankura west midnapur districts bengal due to lack agricultural land industrial activities people collect regular basis their livelihoods they also make some value added extra money it is comparatively easier calculate monetary which are marketed local market or by intermediaries however normally collected domestic uses carry enough too but never calculated a proper way very difficult get information from villagers that product how much each annually as production vary one year another relative can be based on availability quantity these key words development i...

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