me614 compressible flow and gas dynamics credit 3 approval approved in 3rd senate prerequisites fluid mechanics thermodynamics conservation laws students intended for ms phd elective or core elective semester odd ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Me compressible flow and gas dynamics credit approval approved in rd senate prerequisites fluid mechanics thermodynamics conservation laws students intended for ms phd elective or core semester odd even course objective the aims to provide understanding problems commonly encountered basic engineering applications including but not limited nozzle flows shock wave motion moving oblique shocks natural pipelines prandtl meyer fanno rayleigh reaction propulsion systems etc builds on previous concepts learned courses content introduction review of mass momentum energy lass speed sound equation regimes mach number propagation isentropic static stagnation properties one dimensional converging diverging nozzles waves reflected blast wind tunnels supersonic engines two theory conical mayer expansion fans inlets diffusers pipe line potential method characteristics supersonics design suggested books j d anderson modern with historical perspective mcgraw hill nd edition s m yahya fundamentals new a...