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picture1_Calculus Pdf 158739 | 2 Me3340 Fluids Zhang Brief Syllabus

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File: Calculus Pdf 158739 | 2 Me3340 Fluids Zhang Brief Syllabus
me 3340 fluid mechanics fall 2020 georgia institute of technology catalog descriptions the fundamentals of fluid mechanics topics include fluid statics control volume analysis the navier stokes equations similitude inviscid ...

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...Me fluid mechanics fall georgia institute of technology catalog descriptions the fundamentals topics include statics control volume analysis navier stokes equations similitude inviscid viscous and turbulent flows pipe flow boundary layers external course outcomes see abet syllabus online http www gatech edu files ug pdf prerequisites dynamics rigid bodies math calculus iii c or better differential corequisites thermodynamics some explanations on pre co requisites multivariable ordinary partial free body diagrams forces movements equilibrium stress strain center mass motion kinematics kinetics energy momentum conservation laws for closed open systems second law textbook munson young okiishi s eighth edition by p m gerhart a l j i hochstein wiley instructor dr zhuomin zhang professor mechanical engineering office hours tba you are encouraged to email questions website handouts homework solutions will be posted gt canvas class time location attendance is essential successful performance i...

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