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picture1_Kundu Fluid Mechanics 158584 | Math5453 Lect1

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File: Kundu Fluid Mechanics 158584 | Math5453 Lect1
math5453mfoundations of fluid dynamics lecture 1 continuum hypothesis and kinematics 1 1 continuum hypothesis tritton p 48 51 kundu p 5 paterson p 32 34 liquids and gases are made ...

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...Mathmfoundations of fluid dynamics lecture continuum hypothesis and kinematics tritton p kundu paterson liquids gases are made up large numbers frequently colliding molecules a key approximation in uid mechanics is the this assumes can be represented as continuous medium which has density pressure velocity dened at every point inside domain interest almost all circumstances these quantities assumed dierentiable when assumption valid i applies shortest length problem macroscopic much greater than either interparticle spacing or mean free path average distance between collisions usually distances smaller m normally result there billions even smallest volume to us we then over that small get well ow characteristics ii dene vector around typically slower magnitude speed an individual particles note zero if moving similar speeds dierent directions sum random motion governed by temperature exists for rest non means locally have bias towards one direction subsonic neglect consequence on howev...

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