transient relativistic fluid dynamics in a general hydrodynamic frame enrico speranza in collaboration with jorge noronha and michal spalinski arxiv 2105 01034 quark matter 2022 krakow april 4 10 2022 ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 19 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Transient relativistic fluid dynamics in a general hydrodynamic frame enrico speranza collaboration with jorge noronha and michal spalinski arxiv quark matter krakow april frames eckart phys rev landau lifshitz mechanics israel stewart ann tsumura kunihiro ohnishi lett b most decomposition t u p q j n variables out of equilibrium can be dened many ways the denition is unique are specic choices examples nu relativity causality must hold regardless how you dene does one formulate causal stable hydrodynamics bdnk generalized rst order theory bemca disconzi prd kovtun jhep hoult write expansion using derivatives compatible symmetries region parameter space nonlinear regime note first acausal unstable not suitable for numerical calculations hiscock lindblom es promoted to dynamical second entropy current s neq na qj if initiates system it will dynamically deviate from gradient originates kinetic approach rocha denicol...