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File: Eugene O'reilly
analysis of boundary layers through computational fluid dynamics and experimental analysis by eugene o reilly b eng this thesis is submitted as the fulfilment of the requirement for the award ...

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...Analysis of boundary layers through computational fluid dynamics and experimental by eugene o reilly b eng this thesis is submitted as the fulfilment requirement for award degree master engineering supervisors dr joseph stokes brian corcoran school mechanical manufacturing dublin city university ireland october declaration i hereby certify that material which now submit assessment on programme study leading to entirely my own work has not been taken from others save extent such cited acknowledged within text signed id number date j q g acknowledgements would like thank their advice guidance helpful discussions availability discuss any problems was having cornerstone research thanks also mr michael may his invaluable help in design construction equipment cian meme eoin tuohy workshop technical excellent production required parts keith hickey with all software queries computer issues ben austin david cunningham biotechnology dcu support they always made themselves available meet me allow...

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