fluid mechanics spring 2016 ian tice september 20 2019 contents 1 fundamentals of continuum mechanics 2 1 1 kinematics 2 1 2 mass and the continuity equation 6 1 3 ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 19 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Fluid mechanics spring ian tice september contents fundamentals of continuum kinematics mass and the continuity equation momentum force torque balance newton s laws euler cauchy energy dissipation synthesis frame indierence uid constitutive relations in compressible uids incompressible boundary conditions rigid moving scaling reynold number references is concerned with dynamics a continuous body such as gas liquid or an elastic our goals here are to clearly elaborate mathematical description describe derive equations motion that govern we assume following at reference time t others could be used but no loss generality occupies open set r will typically least lipschitz locally graph function whenever however deriving it often convenient more regular throughout section bit vague about precise regulartiy assumptions this has real impact on results called conguration material i e y corresponds point particle for times given deformation by map each does not self penetrate which means inject...