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picture1_Dynamics Pdf 157996 | Jurnal Td Firman Itb 2013

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Dynamics Pdf 157996 | Jurnal Td Firman Itb 2013

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 19 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Analisis computational fluid firman hartono dan arizal dynamic cfd ruang bakar mesin turbojet tjefh v analysis of s combustion chamber institut teknologi bandung universitas nurtanio e mail gmail com abstract this paper explains the results dynamics purpose work is to investigate characteristics airflow in especially find out why flame exists outside exhaust nozzle simulation uses full d model cold flow condition steady and constant density standard k used calculate effect turbulence from it found that mass entering primary secondary zones smaller than its design value hence rich fuel air mixture probably formed further most enters liner through dilution holes so instead cools products reaction takes place zone lack are due sharp edges inner outer wall keywords small gas turbine abstrak pada makalah ini dijelaskan hasil dari versi tujuan simulasi adalah untuk menyelidiki karakteristik aliran udara di dalam terutama terkait fenomena adanya pembakaran luar nosel menggunakan kondisi dingi...

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