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picture1_Dynamics Pdf 157988 | Phy350a Outline

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File: Dynamics Pdf 157988 | Phy350a Outline
classical mechanics i classical mechanics physics 350a applied maths 353a lecturer prof martin houde houde astro uwo ca http www astro uwo ca houde location room 36 physics and astronomy ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 19 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Classical mechanics i physics a applied maths lecturer prof martin houde astro uwo ca http www location room and astronomy building lectures monday wednesday friday from to recommended text dynamics of particles systems th edition brooks cole s t thornton j b marion useful references see the bibliography below contact information assistant professor department e mail phone x office fax can be reached at my especially after class where will do best reserve time answer your questions also during week through for simple inquiries or make an appointment reply mails within two working days reception students should regularly check website find out about course material announcements courses physicsa html prerequisites former calculus linear algebra mathematics evaluation contain regular assignments mid term exam final worth mark respectively no electronics equipment g calculators computers etc allowed exams unless explicitly authorized ahead absent on examination day may take up if they pre...

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