File: Dynamics Pdf 157931 | Bpr01 Item Download 2023-01-19 04-33-12
physical review e 63 2001 066215 22 pages classical dynamics on graphs f barra and p gaspard center for nonlinear phenomena and complex systems universit e libre de bruxelles campus ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 19 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Physical review e pages classical dynamics on graphs f barra and p gaspard center for nonlinear phenomena complex systems universit libre de bruxelles campus plaine c b brussels belgium weconsider the evolution of a particle graph by using time continuous frobenius perron operator which generalizes previous propositions in this way relaxation rates as well chaotic properties can be dened these are given zeros some periodic orbit zeta functions we consider detail case innite where undergoes diusion process spa tial extension is taken into account fourier transforms decompose observables probability densities sectors corresponding to dierent values wave number hydro dynamic modes studied an eigenvalue problem sector coecient obtained from hydrodynamic has green kubo form moreover study nite but large open converge when their size goes innity lifetime shown correspond system before it escapes pacs numbers r theory stochastic processes statistics sq semiclassical theories applications cd t...