df100 en df115 df140 owner s manual english https www boat manuals com 1 important trip see the inspection before warning caution notice note boating section for important items become ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 18 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Df en owner s manual english https www boat manuals com important trip see the inspection before warning caution notice note boating section for items become thoroughly familiar with all please read this and follow its instruc operating handling characteristics tions carefully to emphasize special informa of your motor practice at low tion symbol words moderate speeds until you are have competent meanings pay attention mes do no attempt operate maxi sages highlighted by these signal mum performance pletely indicates a potential hazard that could result in death or serious injury carry safety emergency equipment includes flotation aids each person plus one throwable buoyant cushion any feet longer fire extin minor guisher sound signaling device visual distress signals anchor bilge pump bucket compass starter rope extra fuel oil first aid kit flashlight food water mirror pad prepared dles tool transistor radio be damage sure carrying appropriate launch instructions make mainte ing outboa...