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picture1_Case Study Pdf 156977 | Ej1236098

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File: Case Study Pdf 156977 | Ej1236098
christine roell germany using a case study in the efl classroom case study is a teaching method based on the description of a real or hypothetical situation that requires a ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 18 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Christine roell germany using a case study in the efl classroom is teaching method based on description of real or hypothetical situation that requires solution action no analysis provided so learners analyze themselves to make decision produce possible solutions studies have been use for several decades train students business law medicine and other disciplines by exposing them situations they are likely encounter their professional practice considered effective because presenting content format narrative accompanied questions activities promote group discussion solving complex problems facilitate development higher levels bloom s taxonomy cognitive learning moving beyond recall knowledge evaluation application bonney also useful training advisor who circulates among english as foreign language available related find need apply linguistic this article gives general guidelines skills combination with analytical teachers interested incorporating interpersonal kind it provides an can occ...

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