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picture1_Classroom Pdf 156744 | V26standards2std7thompson

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File: Classroom Pdf 156744 | V26standards2std7thompson
journal of family consumer sciences education 26 national teacher standards 2 2008 standard 7 thompson and wheeler learning environment creating and implementing a safe supportive learning environment nancy e thompson ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 18 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Journal of family consumer sciences education national teacher standards standard thompson and wheeler learning environment creating implementing a safe supportive nancy e ball state university julie p utah in it is necessary to look at all factors that impact the development students physical intellectual emotional aspects must be considered characteristics room those who work within some are set incorporated into educator s plans other such as furniture arrangement displays accessories can changed discretion classroom includes expectations objectives strategies assessment expressed directly through written curriculum covertly hidden individual differences among teachers need recognized addressed including styles abilities interests patterns intelligences gardner comprised feelings safety support respect management discipline motivation important cultural also recognize this diversity social class race ethnicity gender woolfolk introduction seven for indicates beginning should able de...

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