File: Classroom Pdf 156730 | Classroom Activities & Assessment Techniques
classroom assessment activities techniques cats 1 part 1 a guide for faculty and teaching assistants page 1 2 part 2 selected cats with descriptions and strategies pages 2 4 a ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 18 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Classroom assessment activities techniques cats part a guide for faculty and teaching assistants page selected with descriptions strategies pages the following is designed to explain give examples of how in class can enhance university learning these are based on work angelo cross what typically ungraded conducted setting their purpose provide instructor feedback whether or not students understand course material so that adjustments be made before end term frequent use also assure takes genuine active interest process throughout summative e g final exam given at why should i provides regular about student addressing difficulties misunderstanding heavily weighted assessments models as an ongoing evolving modified needed means gauging own practices then modify study appropriate helps feel less anonymous large settings since it concrete evidence cares food thought instructors they reflect particular implementation tips start off simple by choosing technique easily fits your style time lim...