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File: Classroom Management Pdf 156701 | Ujerc16 19591623
universal journal of educational research 8 11c 136 148 2020 http www hrpub org doi 10 13189 ujer 2020 082316 the effect of classroom management implementation on students achievement 1 ...

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...Universal journal of educational research c http www hrpub org doi ujer the effect classroom management implementation on students achievement iswan herwina bahar agus suradika ahmad susanto farihen misriandi zainudin hassan faculty education muhammadiyah university jakarta indonesia school social sciences and humanities fssh universiti teknologi malaysia received september revised november accepted cite this paper in following citation styles a vol no pp b copyright by authors all rights reserved agree that article remains permanently open access under terms creative commons attribution license international abstract study aims to know about introduction student learning approach is development country greatly influenced quantitative results are based various factors one them human resource quality statistical tests test with very important factor linear equation formula shows coefficients become developed strong prosperous table regression model increasing resources depending can be ...

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