advances in social science education and humanities research volume 253 3rd asian education symposium aes 2018 investigating english teachers self efficacy in developing classroom management style sandy listiani sudirman willian ...
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...Advances in social science education and humanities research volume rd asian symposium aes investigating english teachers self efficacy developing classroom management style sandy listiani sudirman willian lalu muhaimi dept of postgraduate program university mataram indonesia sandylistiani yahoo com sudirmanwillian unram ac id abstract is seen as the beliefs managing whole ability to create a safe being able achieve certain outcomes for students his her much determined by level teaching practices this study aims discover sources teacher s further influence type may also have contribution mostly practiced professionalism there are personal factors environmental describe how their integrated that indicate styles it used descriptive qualitative its design interview questionnaire observation were carried specifically aptitude interest out order collect data six who had subject matter mastery job satisfaction been participated result indicated communication skills resilience experiences vic...