File: Classroom Pdf 156595 | Classroomassessmenttechniquesprimerandwebsite
classroom assessment techniques cats by angelo and cross 1993 original reference all subsequent page numbers refer to this reference angelo t a cross k p 1993 classroom assessment techniques a ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 18 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Classroom assessment techniques cats by angelo and cross original reference all subsequent page numbers refer to this t a k p handbook for college teachers nd ed san francisco jossey bass http www sinclair edu about learning resources atm cat is an approach designed help find out what students are in the how well they it has following characteristics learner centered focuses primary attention of on observing improving rather than teaching can provide information guide making adjustments improve teacher directed respects autonomy academic freedom professional judgment faculty individual decides assess respond gained through furthermore not obliged share result with anyone outside mutually beneficial because focused requires active participation cooperating reinforce their grasp course content strengthen own skills at self motivation increased when realize that interested invested success as learners also sharpen focus continually asking themselves three questions essential knowledge i a...