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File: Classroom Pdf 156466 | 2934bbd21a0d6ea64ce84827242a59014929
journal of english language teaching volume 9 no 1 journal of english language teaching issn 2302 3198 published by english language teaching study program of fbs universitas negeri padang available ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 18 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Journal of english language teaching volume no issn published by study program fbs universitas negeri padang available at http ejournal unp ac id index php jelt error analysis on classroom made pre service teachers education mir atul aufa and hermawati syarif department faculty languages arts state university email aufanosuke gmail com abstract this aimed to analyse the errors while having field practice in senior high schools was conducted adapting james target modification taxonomy including simple instructions questions given participants research are five from four different descriptive qualitative instrumentation were observation document interview analyzed categorizing into types followed causes each some problems related also found hindered optimal use findings showed that there grammatical lexical occured omission overinclusion misselection misplacement ellipsis detected keywords a introduction expected create an environment where students can learn communicatively achieve comm...

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