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picture1_Classroom Pdf 156448 | Differentiated Instruction

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File: Classroom Pdf 156448 | Differentiated Instruction
differentiating instruction for all students what is differentiated instruction good instruction teacher s response to learner s needs students are not alike matching a student s readiness level interests and ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 18 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Differentiating instruction for all students what is differentiated good teacher s response to learner needs are not alike matching a student readiness level interests and preferred mode of learning with the content learns process uses learn how demonstrates entry point relative understanding concept interest curiosity passion specific topic profile do best guided by general principles varied approaches teaching adjusting curriculum presentation materials access multiple paths show used promote in classroom regardless ability why differentiate zone proximal development zpd optimally engaged when academic tasks just slightly beyond they can on their own vygotsky become frustrated work that too hard bored easy...

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