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...Journal of english and education use in an classroom yusi nursanti department indonesia university abstract this study aims to investigate the perception students toward two languages instruction indonesian by teacher find out its benefits for learning employed qualitative approach as a basic framework with case method participants were th grade at junior high school bandung regency data from questionnaire analysed based on likert scale ockert lqyhvwljdwlqj vwxghqwv shufhswlrq dqg vhpl structured interview fraenkel doohq iru ilqglqj wkh ehqhilwv ri whdfkhu v elolqjxdo odqjxdjh xvh reveals that show their positive perceptions bilingual language done there are six lq ohduqlqj qjolvk pdnlqj wkhp easy understand what explained lesson feel comfortable during class new vocabularies help them do exercises ask answer something read correctly hopefully findings would give great contribution enrichment best should be used especially teaching low level proficiency where is existed foreign efl key...