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picture1_Classroom Pdf 156290 | Classroom Observation Tool 2020

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File: Classroom Pdf 156290 | Classroom Observation Tool 2020
classroom observation tool part 1 pre observation school name school code name of teacher to be observed teacher cnic observer designation circle one aeo headteacher teacher name of observer date ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 18 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Classroom observation tool part pre school name code of teacher to be observed cnic observer designation circle one aeo headteacher date visit start time end subject social general grade k urdu math litnum english science studies islamiyat knowledge based on evidence recorded in your notes made during the rank each practice is high low explicitly articulates objectives lesson and relates activities s explanation content clear correct makes connections that relate students daily lives or other models by enacting thinking aloud showing a final product expected uses questions prompts strategies determine level understanding monitors most independent group work adjusts teaching provides specific comments help clarify misunderstandings understand successes asks tasks responds needs learning st nd rd interval are engaged activity l m h rating at duration less than minutes more page post discussion practices improve select two actionable feedback any urgent observations action required signat...

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