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picture1_Pdf Certificate Online 156232 | Pharmacy And Poisons Act

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File: Pdf Certificate Online 156232 | Pharmacy And Poisons Act
the laws of zambia republic of zambia the pharmacy and poisons act chapter 299 of the laws of zambia chapter 299 the pharmacy and poisons act the pharmacy and poisons ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 17 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...The laws of zambia republic pharmacy and poisons act chapter arrangement sections part i preliminary section short title interpretation appointment board ii copyright ministry legal affairs government registration pharmacists no one to carry on business pharmacist unless registered name certificate be exhibited in premises all which persons exemptions company may under certain conditions representatives deceased or bankrupt qualified medical practitioners other exempted from provisions exemption case wholesale dealers licensed sellers iii list prepared by approved minister supply sale labelling medicines supplied others special transactions automatic machines sell issue licences register kept licensing authority refuse grant revoke a licence iv miscellaneous powers search inspection books production authorisation examination drugs etc patent rules penalty an make better provision for control profession trade notices statutory instrument this cited as context otherwise requires with cre...

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