# Questions Answer Notes 1A Identification 1A-1 CoC Name and Number: CA-505 - Richmond/Contra Costa County CoC 1A-2 Collaborative Applicant Name: Contra Costa Health Services 1A-3 CoC Designation: CA 1B ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 17 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Questions answer notes a identification coc name and number ca richmond contra costa county collaborative applicant health services designation b operations how often does the conduct meetings of full quarterly membership invite new members to join at least annually through publicly available invitation include homeless or yes formerly person for who are community advocate what role do they play in select all volunteer that apply organizational employee outreach advisor s governance charter incorporate written see table below we will be including coordinated policies procedures each following assessment plan proposal hprp rrh standards as stand ins until can finalized by ccich agendas centralized system process monitoring outcomes esg recipients board selection code includes recusal administering assistance c committees provide information up five most active wide planning subcommittees workgroups brief description frequency applicants should only list directly involved not regular del...