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picture1_Classroom Management Pdf 156033 | Article

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File: Classroom Management Pdf 156033 | Article
the classroom management applied bt english teachers a case study at a vocational school in gowa 1dyah suprobowati 2haryanto 3qashas rahman english education graduate program universitas negeri makassar abstract the ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 17 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...The classroom management applied bt english teachers a case study at vocational school in gowa dyah suprobowati haryanto qashas rahman education graduate program universitas negeri makassar abstract aims of this research are intended to know how is conducted by and students respond it was descriptive qualitative objectives were describe manage smk indonesia explain problems faced applying class researcher from january until february subject tenth grade data collected using observation video recording interview result show that divided into five aspects there physical design orderly rows horseshoe separate table rules routines relationship engaging motivating instruction discipline problem teacher male made noise during learning activity solve gave punishment key word introduction needed every teaching process including form or supports should pay attention condition managing not only about maintaining but also itself which be retained well one most important skills have ability accordi...

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