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picture1_Ms Word Advertisement Template 13967 | Sponsorshipform4isimmed2014uny

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File: Ms Word Advertisement Template 13967 | Sponsorshipform4isimmed2014uny
international seminar on innovation in mathematics and mathematics st education 1 isim med 2014 innovation and technology for mathematics and mathematics education a joint conference with the 19th asian technology ...

icon picture DOCX Word DOCX | Diposting 13 Jul 2022 | 3 thn lalu
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...International seminar on innovation in mathematics and st education isim med technology for a joint conference with the th asian yogyakarta state university november ad v e rtisement x hibition sponsors h ip acceptance form i particulars of company organization contact person job title address email phone fax ii payment methods cash please make to following nama bendahara panitia internasional jurusan pendidikan matematika fmipa uny transfer rekening bank nomor atas iii advertisement options tick accordingly http ac id isimmed web site one year period webpages rp size program booklet full page back cover colored black white half inserts into all issued bags iv other sponsorships partial sponsorship toward logo printed proceedings acknowledgement will be made at tea breaks banner displayed rooms s pamflet dinner exhibition booth note that each table is about by square meter option tables chairs chair vi fill your description value remark vii details opportunities are available first com...

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