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picture1_Company Presentation Template 13963 | Abstrak 3 Bahasa

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File: Company Presentation Template 13963 | Abstrak 3 Bahasa
abstract the research entitled public relation marketing stategy cv bhinneka store karawang in the new normal era this study focuses on the marketing communication strategy of public relations at cv ...

icon picture DOCX Word DOCX | Diposting 13 Jul 2022 | 3 thn lalu
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...Abstract the research entitled public relation marketing stategy cv bhinneka store karawang in new normal era this study focuses on communication strategy of relations at to find out how advertising event sponsorship sales promotion and personal selling method used by author is a qualitative data collection technique was field namely observations depth interviews selection informants done through observation process based results obtained that uses social media because increasingly advanced technological developments it cannot be denied main platform for also while maintaining positive company image establish good relationships with other parties can provide what consumers need regarding does not do events location considered less strategic i carried quite effectively providing discounts or promos every purchase without minimum addition employees diverse always ask about lacking products they sell will fix these deficiencies thing from fully carry activities accordance points input con...

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