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File: Pharmacology&toxicology
pharmacology and toxicology m s pharm semester i course code course name credits pc 511 pathophysiology 1 pc 520 general pharmacology 2 pc 530 experimental pharmacology 1 pc 540 chemotherapy ...

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...Pharmacology and toxicology m s pharm semester i course code name credits pc pathophysiology general experimental chemotherapy of parasitic microbial infections np separation techniques pe biopharmaceutics pharmacokinetics bt biotechnology in pharmaceutical sciences ge biostatistics fundamentals intellectual property ip technology management seminar lg lab experience total credit ii drug metabolism pharmacological screening assays cns respiratory autonomic cvs blood renal gi autocoid endocrine clinical regulatory immunopharmacology ls the area specialization iii th synopsis presentation iv thesis defence grand to semesters niper guwahati nits mirza rd parlli part assam factors influencing disease conditions such as sex age nutritional status genetic make up etc pathogenesis symptoms signs laboratory findings complications urinary tract venereal meningial congestive heart failure hypertension cardiac arrhythmias ulcer pancreatitis hepatitis cholecystitis bronchial asthma depression schi...

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