institute of chemical technology deemed to be university under section 3 of the ugc act 1956 pharmaceutical sciences and technology syllabus structure for the b tech pharma first year semester ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 17 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Institute of chemical technology deemed to be university under section the ugc act pharmaceutical sciences and syllabus structure for b tech pharma first year semester i no subjects hours week marks credits l t cht inorganic chemistry organic mat applied mathematics pyt physics total gep engineering graphics pyp laboratory chp practicals ii analytical cet material energy balance calculations map applications computers hup communication skills second iii course code get mechanics strength materials electrical electronics physical pht spl general aspects pharmaceuticals physiopharmacology bst microbiology biochemistry php pr iv transport phenomena medicinal natural products third v operations reaction biotechnology analysis liquids topicals liquid vi instrumentation drug discovery process design solid dosage forms catalysis catalytic processes elective recombinant dna laborato...