Opioid Treatment Program Resource Manual Issue Date: 30th June 2022 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 3 Approval as a Dosing Point Pharmacy 3 OTP Pharmacy Incentive Scheme 4 Transfer of OTP Patients 5 OTP Medications 5 Practical Considerations for a New OTP Pharmacy 8 Meeting QCPP Requirements 10 Equipment for an OTP Pharmacy 12 General OTP Guidelines 13 Procedure to dispense Methadone 14 Procedure to dispense Buprenorphine 15 Dispensing and Supplying Depot Buprenorphine to a GP 17 Using Subsidiary Drug Registers 17 Appendices 1. OTP Pharmacy Self Audit 19 2. Examples of Sedating Drugs 21 3. New Patient Booking Form 22 ...
Sl.No: M2143 Course Code: BP703T VINAYAKA MISSION’S RESEARCH FOUNDATION (DEEMED TO BE UNIVERSITY), SALEM B.PHARM. DEGREE EXAMINATION – July 2021 Seventh Semester PHARMACY PRACTICE Time : Three hours Maximum: 75 marks I. Write essays on any TWO questions: (2 x 10 = 20) 1. Elaborate on classification of adverse drug reaction with examples. 2. Discuss the organization, functions and policies on pharmacy and therapeutic committee. 3. Explain about drug store management and inventory control in the hospital. II. Write short answers on any SEVEN questions: (7 x 5 = 35) 4. Brief on budget preparation and implementation ...
STEADI-R x Community Pharmacy Fall Risk Checklist Patient: Date of Birth: Date: Fall Risk Factor(s) Identied FALL HISTORY PRESENT? NOTES Any falls in the past year? 00 Yes 00 No Worries about falling? 00 Yes 00 No Feels unsteady when standing or walking? 00 Yes 00 No POSTURAL HYPOTENSION Patient-reported symptoms of lightheadedness or dizziness from 00 Yes 00 No lying to standing? MEDICATION CLASSES MEDICATION(S) WITH FALL RISK Include medication name, dosage prescribed, and PRESCRIBED BY: administration directions. Anticonvulsants Antidepressants Antihypertensives Antipsychotics Antispasmodics Benzodiazepines Opioids Sedative hypnotics Tricyclic antidepressants Other (e.g., OTC agents) Notes: STEADI-Rx is a ...
AIA facts n Some people may not know 3,6 that they have AIA. Higher rates have been reported in challenge Aspirin/NSAID-intolerant studies, in which people with asthma were given test doses of these medications in a medically asthma: pharmacy notes 6 supervised setting. n A person with AIA typically begins to experience symptoms Aspirin or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can at around age 30: first as severe provoke asthma symptoms in some people with asthma. rhinitis (runny and/or blocked nose and sneezing), followed by Aspirin/NSAID-intolerant asthma (AIA)* Practice points for a loss of sense of smell, nasal is a ...