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picture1_Guide Pharmacists

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File: Guide Pharmacists
guide to poisons and therapeutic goods legislation for pharmacists this guide is a summary only and should be used in conjunction with the poisons and therapeutic goods act 1966 and ...

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...Guide to poisons and therapeutic goods legislation for pharmacists this is a summary only should be used in conjunction with the act regulation obtainable from fuji xerox tel also available on internet at www nsw gov au list further information may obtained duty pharmaceutical officer services legal regulatory branch ministry of health locked mail bag north sydney fax or by email pharmserv doh note wherever term authorised practitioner other than relation schedule drugs unless otherwise indicated it refers medical practitioners dentists veterinary nurse midwife under section optometrists b podiatrists c substances which apply consists eight schedules empty so reference has been omitted align closely those shown publication standard uniform scheduling medicines susmp published commonwealth http tga following nature each requirements storage supply labelling recording etc are detailed later dangerous life if misused carelessly handled but public use purposes without undue restriction i a...

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