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picture1_Usp Item Download 2023-01-17 02-24-02

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File: Usp Item Download 2023-01-17 02-24-02
updates on usp compounding standards and jeanne sun pharmd jd senior manager healthcare quality and safety october 18 2019 district iv nabp annual meeting learning objectives describe the current status ...

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...Updates on usp compounding standards and jeanne sun pharmd jd senior manager healthcare quality safety october district iv nabp annual meeting learning objectives describe the current status of pharmaceutical nonsterile preparations sterile identify major elements in revised review general chapter hazardous drugs handling settings for provides types public chapters establish practice to help ensure compounded preparation monographs contain formulations specific which there is no suitable commercially available product bulk substances other ingredients provide identity purity strength packaging labeling that may be used promote health protect patients workers address challenges radiopharmaceuticals dispensing repackaging assurance calculations prescription phase i investigational studies balances volumetric apparatus...

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