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File: Pharmacyauditinganddispensinghandoutmod4
pharmacy self auditing control practices to improve medicaid program integrity and quality module 4 billing practices objectives at the conclusion of module 4 billing practices the learner will be able ...

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...Pharmacy self auditing control practices to improve medicaid program integrity and quality module billing objectives at the conclusion of learner will be able identify three common reasons for errors recall two types inappropriate refill centers medicare services audit process use allows staff evaluate daily pinpoint triggers address vulnerabilities materials gather before beginning signature logs dispensing job aid injectable formulations kits oral other dosage forms pharmacists role purpose aids injections products prescription requirements non controlled calculations quantity dispensed days supply odd quantities correctly adjust high doses verify with product labeling o http dailymed nlm nih gov index cfm https www accessdata fda scripts cder drugsatfda that exceed prescriber document all communication as directed shampoos creams ointments migraine medications insulin diabetic syringes test strips or lancets driven push when auto refilling patient consent financial incentives waivin...

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