madhav university pindwara sirohi established by the state legislature act no 07 of 2014 department of pharmacy st d pharma 1 year examination commencing w e f sessional practical examination ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 17 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Madhav university pindwara sirohi established by the state legislature act no of department pharmacy st d pharma year examination commencing w e f sessional practical june time morning session am to pm date day paper code name er p pharmaceutics pharmaceutical chemistry pharmacognosy human anatomy physiology social notes on getting a question and before answering it candidate must check up ensure that they have been supplied with correct if is not should bring same notice invigilator complaints in this regard after shall be entertained electronics gadgets such as pagers cell phone programmable calculators etc are allowed hall extra answer sheet will provided controller theory evening t nd ph ii pharmacology toxicology hospital clinical jurisprudence drug store business management...