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picture1_Academic Pdf 154367 | Pharmacy Syllabus Updated Jntuk

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File: Academic Pdf 154367 | Pharmacy Syllabus Updated Jntuk
jntuk kakinada rules syllabus for the bachelor of pharmacy b pharm course as approved by pharmacy council of india new delhi chapter i regulations 1 short title and commencement these ...

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...Jntuk kakinada rules syllabus for the bachelor of pharmacy b pharm course as approved by council india new delhi chapter i regulations short title and commencement these shall be called revised degree program cbcs they come into effect from academic year framed are subject to modifications time bypharmacycouncil minimumqualification admission first candidate have passed examination conducted respective state central government authorities recognized equivalent association indian universities aiu with english one subjects physics chemistry mathematics p c m or biology optional individually any other qualification pharmacycouncil above examinations pharmlateral entry third semester apass in d an institution bythe under section pharmacyact duration study extend over a period eight semesters four years six three lateral students curricula syllabi prescribed mediumof instruction medium working days each semestershall consist not less than odd month june july november december even januaryto...

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