r remington the science and practice of pharmacy 22nd edition editor in chief chairman ofthe board loyd v allen jr phd rph lisa a lawson pharmd professor emeritus dean and ...
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...R remington the science and practice of pharmacy nd edition editor in chief chairman ofthe board loyd v allen jr phd rph lisa a lawson pharmd professor emeritus dean barbara h korberly women s university oklahoma school leadership health international journal pharmaceutical philadelphia college compounding sciences edmond ok usa pa editorial adeboyeadejare yvonne perrie head pharmaceutics drug delivery aston birmingham uk shane p desselie fapha nicholas g popovich california department administration northstate rancho cordova ca illinois at chicago linda felton il chair kenneth m associate shermock director center for outcomes policy new mexico albuquerque nm johns hopkins hospital anthony c moffat baltimore md analysis donna wall fashp bcps biological clinical pharmacist chemistry indiana uclschool london indianapolis wi press contents contributors vi section pharmaceuticalanalysis preface to xvn quality control first xvin medicinals raymond d skwierczynski volume part testing gail go...