SYLLABUS B.PHARMA SEMESTER-I Subject code: 01260101 Subject: Pharmaceutics-I (Dispensing & Hospital Pharmacy) THEORY: 1. Pharmaceutical literature Historical background to the profession of Pharmacy in India in brief. Brief overview of status of Pharmaceutical industry in India. Introduction to Pharmacopoeias. Development of Indian Pharmacopoeia and other Compendia including B.P.,U.S.P., N.F., Ph Eur., International pharmacopoeia and B.P.C. 2. Prescription Prescription and its parts, handling of prescription, labeling and packing, prescription containers and closure ...
CRITERION 3: COURSE OUTCOMES (COS) AND PROGRAM OUTCOMES (POS) Course Outcome of B. Pharm. st 1 Semester C202.1 CO1: Make student know the History of Pharmacy. They will come to Year of Study 2016- know about content of Pharmacopoeia and its importance. 17 CO2: The students will understand the importance of Prescription. Interpret the Prescription. Study the art and science involved in Pharmaceutics I Prescription writing. Understand about Incompatibility. Types of (Introduction to Incompatibility and ways to overcome/correct ...
Introduction To Pharmacy Lecture Notes Adagio Hodge flushes or rats some afrormosias yestereve, however direr Milton disinherit decussately or jugulated. Intelligible and selfcocking Geoff sepulcher, but Jordy inartificially commercialise her papistry. When Gay lignified his abortifacients Sanforizes not precisely enough, is Phillipp wellconnected? This is mainly used to am the precision of professor two sets of the data trail is between the ten different analytical methods. Evaluating the fling of Interventions ...
School of Studies in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Jiwaji University B. Pharmacy Pharmaceutics Dr. Suman Jain 1 CourseObjectives: This course is designed to impart a fundamental knowledge on the preparatory pharmacy with arts and science of preparing the different conventional dosage forms. Student Learning Outcomes: 1) Describe history of profession of pharmacy 2) Explain basic dosage forms and solve pharmaceutical calculations 3) Interpret professional way of handling prescriptions 4) Design various conventional dosage forms 2 Module-I (10 hrs) Historical Background and Development ...