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File: Pg Syllabus Latest
central council of indian medicine new delhi syllabus for post graduate course in ayurved preliminary examination research methodology medical statistics 2 3 basic principles of anaidanikiya group 3 5 basic ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Central council of indian medicine new delhi syllabus for post graduate course in ayurved preliminary examination research methodology medical statistics basic principles anaidanikiya group naidanikiya final year siddhant samhita a charak b sushrut c vagbhat rachana sharir kriya dravyaguna vigyan rasashastra bhaishajya kalpana agada tantra evum vyavahara swasthavritta rognidan vikriti manovigyan manasrog prasuti stri rog kaumarbhritya kayachikitsa shalya samanya kshar anushastra karma shalakya netra karna nasa kantha shirorog mukha danta panchkarma sangyaharan chhaya vikiran md ayu paper i and methods aims objects ayurveda ancient modern setting up laboratory including animal house fundamental clinical drug literary manuscriptology survey plants radio isotopes their role radiation biological effects introduction specific instruments like chromatography spectrometer calorimeter electrophoresis apparatus other latest instrum...

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