GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY B.Pharm SEMESTER: III Subject Name: PHYSICAL PHARMACEUTICS-I Subject Code: BP302TP Scope: The course deals with the various physical and physicochemical properties, and principles involved in dosage ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Gujarat technological university b pharm semester iii subject name physical pharmaceutics i code bptp scope the course deals with various and physicochemical properties principles involved in dosage forms formulations theory practical components of help student to get a better insight into areas formulation research development stability studies pharmaceutical objectives upon completion shall be able understand drug molecules designing know chemical kinetics use them for testing nad determination expiry date demonstrate evaluation sr no topics weightage solubility drugs expressions mechanisms solute solvent interactions ideal parameters solvation association quantitative approach factors influencing diffusion biological systems gas liquids binary solutions raoult s law real partially miscible critical solution temperature applications distribution its limitations states matter state changes latent heats vapour pressure sublimation point eutectic mixtures gases aerosols inhalers relativ...