osmania university faculty of pharmacy scheme of instruction examination and evaluation effective for batches admitted from 2016 17 academic year onwards as per cbcs program code 881 b pharmacy first ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Osmania university faculty of pharmacy scheme instruction examination and evaluation effective for batches admitted from academic year onwards as per cbcs program code b first i ii semesters semester hours credits duration course description title week exam l t p end py ps core pharmaceutical inorganic chemistry bs fc basic computer applications general human anatomy physiology mathematics biology practical library organic hyderabad introduction to dosage forms g pulla reddy college communicative english language note marks are converted into grade points total is calculated sgpa on a point scale hrs maximum periods internal mode lecture subject objectives impart knowledge various categories medicinal compounds provide significance impurities methods test such make the students aware indian pharmacopoeia other pharmacopoeias with reference official in those outcomes will get about their category method quality tests assay uses student gets which may enter potential hazards become how r...