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File: Pharmaceutical Book Pdf 153679 | 9780521854962 Frontmatter
cambridge university press 0521854962 ethics and the pharmaceutical industry edited by michael a santoro and thomas m gorrie frontmatter more information ethics and the pharmaceutical industry despite the pharmaceutical industry ...

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...Cambridge university press ethics and the pharmaceutical industry edited by michael a santoro thomas m gorrie frontmatter more information despite s notable contributions to human progress includingthedevelopmentof miracle drugsfortreatingcancer aids andheartdisease thereisagrowingtensionbetweentheindustry public government ofcials physicians social critics have questioned whether multibillion dollar is fullling its responsibilities this doubt has been fueled national debate over drug pricing affordable healthcare internationally battles against epidemic diseases such as in developing world debates are raging how can should be expected act book leading gures ngos medical community academia discuss proposesolutionstotheethicaldilemmasofdrugindustrybehavior they examine aspects marketing role of intellec tual property rights patent protection moral economic requisites research clinical trials michaela santoroisassociateprofessorwithtenureatrutgersbusiness school where he teaches courses ...

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