File: Pharmacy Pdf 153511 | Cpo Academic Calendar Ii Bpharm 2021 2022
jss academy of higher education research mysuru deemed to be university accredited a grade by naac jss college of pharmacy rocklands ooty iso 9001 2015 certified curriculum and academic calendar ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Jss academy of higher education research mysuru deemed to be university accredited a grade by naac college pharmacy rocklands ooty iso certified curriculum and academic calendar year course ii b pharm contents sl no particulars page excerpt from regulations syllabus iii details subject teachers lecture plan time table student support services grievance redressal committee anti ragging medium instruction examinations examination shall in english working days each semester semestershall consist not less than the odd semesters conducted month june july november december even january may every attendance progress candidate is required put at least individual courses considering theory practical separately complete prescribed satisfactorily eligible appear for respective program credit structure as per philosophy based system certain quantum work viz classes tutorial hours etc are measured terms credits on satisfactory completion earns amount associated with dependent upon number week that ...